Monday, 10 March 2008

Am he proud owner of a new Nike sneaker, a new Liverpool home jersey and a sexy perfume.
That si not my point
Am doing everything possible to own a MacBook and hereafter life wil;l be smooth.
After a really boring two weeks not writing here, life has been boring, i have been nursing my injury as earlier posted, then went tp recieve Gaaki, and didmany other errands.
I met Gloria or what seemed like on the bus to Kla,,her eat had been taken by someone else and so i invited her to take one next to mine, She gladly came and we exchanged pleasntries. She promised to see me again and gave me a number onwhich to contact her, But like hell she gave me the wrong this mo,ment i remember G Unit's "wanna get to know ya" well, Gloria will obviously never see this blog but she was the latest specimen in the search for multiple personality disorders,
Football has been great though Arsenal hitting Milan really sucked
I have not been able to visit the gym because i had the knee problrm and am very broke next week i will be back.