From the Hammock
4 July 10
Majukumu aka responsibility: Everything about him is irritating, he is smart and that’s okay but he also comes across as if he is ever driving the point home and proving a point to himself that indeed as advertised, he is smart.
I don’t like Majukumu sometimes but it is inevitable to recognize him. His turf stretches from Johannesburg, through East and West Africa. Others call him MTN, but I disagree, I think MTN is his poster face. MTN puts in the work and makes Majukumu’s money.
In fact MTN’s motto can be his logo; “everywhere you go,” and like many latecomers in the Citi, Majukumu has a mouth on him. Just think about it for a second, how many people used MTN to communicate this Sunday morning, and then consider the mouth doing the communication. How busy? How important?
After mouthing his way to bringing the World Cup to Africa he is now demouthing it away, dismissing it as big business, the usual suspects; Coca Cola, McDonalds (poor McDonalds,) the Jabulani, beer and even bigger countries.
And talking about Africa’s World Cup how come there is never been a European Cup or even American one?
Is it not because those countries are so diverse that one country cannot represent them? Is it not true that most of the Africans who played in the African teams Cameron, Nigeria, South Africa, Algeria, and Ivory Coast also have EU citizenships?
Many of the African players in the six African teams also played in the most prestigious leagues in Europe just like the players from Brazil, Argentina and Spain.
Of the Algeria’s 23 players at the 2010 World Cup, 17 had French citizenship and 6 had represented France at junior level. The Algerian Coach: was the only African coach in the world cup and even he exited in the preliminary rounds of the tournament.
African time my foot; it is a very good thing the world cup but it is not African time. And yet all the African teams failed miserably?
See the Nigerian president Jonathan Goodluck has more to his leadership than an appropriate name as he has suspended Nigeria’s football from international tournaments until the Nigerians find out; ”what’s up?” with their talent and mediocrity.
Majukumu is yet another lazy African elite.
Mtali: (he can speak for himself)
What’s up with these cities of the World Cup? Drakensburg, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Pretoria, Durban, Rustenburg, Dutchburg, Franconstenburg, Englishburg(and those shrewd and crazy Bafokeng had to appear here also.) Do you remember them Bafokeng? They are the people that had a kingdom in South Africa throughout the time of colonialism and apartheid.
The kingdom was within the country of South Africa where apartheid and its predecessors had ensured black people and their kingdoms were irrelevant.
The Bafokeng had some smartness; they bought land from government and continued their kingdom under semi autonomous rule. At least the even crazier Boers believed in good old capitalism.
Therefore when the South African government banned gambling, the Bafokeng and some white South African types built Sun City. The Bafokeng were considered a separate nation in South Africa.
Today Sun City is known for a different spin. But the Bafokeng were still able to build this World Cup stadium from which England were chased out of the tournament by Germany? Totally a cool tribe that one.
And talking about tribes. Is it not odd that the only African ethnic group that has the same name as the mother continent is that of Afrikaans?
Of all Africans, these are white. Indeed the rainbow country.
The truest and closest to a rainbow nation I know of is Brazil and boy; are they having a wonderful time in African time? They make Argentina look indeed talented and lucky rather than efficient.
And what’s up with Africa, FOOTBALL and the World Cup? We are failing so bad that we’re accustomed to being the cute under dogs in everything.
It is not just football where we have a lot of promise and potential that we never fulfil. If you thought that making it into the big league, as a sportsman is almost impossible ask local musicians how they have developed their talents and you will be shocked.
Think about the relationship between football and politics. Politics is heated because it is the only avenue that one must take if ever they will achieve any meaningful accomplishments in life. The universally accepted ones at least, a family, a job and a home. Politicians rule in Africa.
We all bend to their whims, cruelty and violence.
Semi illiterate power brokers on the other hand manage sport; they operate with a mystery and they are mostly a hybrid between businessmen, witch doctors, politicians and peasants.
The day we demystify politics in Africa and demand of our leaders the same results as we demand of sportsmen then it will be our time.
African time.
Mtali: noise, noise, noise. That’s what you are all making all the time. Noise. Talking without speaking, hearing without listening. We’re fed up of people like you.