Monday 25 May 2009

C notes inventory 3

One of the stories I'll love telling my fellow Africans back in my hometown will be the inexplainable weather by their standards of geography and climate.
Its difficult to explain to someone who grew up watching the sun raising at 5.30 am and setting at 6.41 pm that in some places the sun sets past 9.30 pm. If you are well brought up you can try and explain it and they will understand the movement of the sun and the bi-polar movement of the sun and moon, it can all be understood.

The first time I heard of this eccentric movement of the sun I was still in Africa and two western friends were discussing the weather in Canada, these friends of mine considered the topic too complex for my small mind to figure out. So David Kawai, one of my closest friends told the other two no to bother explaining to me about the lateness of the sun to set in Canada: "He will think its devil worship," he told them.

Talking about Kawai, this gentleman must have had a very low opinion of my conceptual ability, he is the one who introduced me to facebook in mid 2007. The first time he mentioned it we were talking the apparent ease and abuse with each which European girls-on tour in Africa-use their women power to get African guys into bed. The men fall in love and then the summer suddenly ends and the guys are left with mouthfuls of broken hearts.
Kawai explained to me that facebook is a file in which European girls post the faces of African guys they have fucked!!!!!

Communication is that subtle in the west and to be able to understand one's statement your mind must be working in double shifts.
So your truly with a modest level of education initially could not understand facebook and Canadian sunsets, I wonder what my colleagues on the shores of Lake Victoria can make out of the the sun setting at 10.00 pm!!!!!

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